Project Description
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Client: Port of Seattle
L&B was selected as the prime consultant to prepare a Part 150 Noise Exposure Map (NEM) and Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) Update for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA).
This study was the first Part 150 Update to be conducted since a third parallel runway (Runway 16R/34L) opened at SEA in November 2008. In addition to updating the NEMs to reflect actual operating conditions, the Study provided the Port of Seattle with the opportunity to review the effectiveness of the noise mitigation program and improve community outreach efforts.
This Part 150 Study Update included an extensive public outreach campaign designed to improve dialogue and relationships between the Port of Seattle and local residents. L&B, as the prime consultant, assisted the Port of Seattle with the development of an outreach program to compliment the Part 150 process and renew communication with the local communities.
This Part 150 Study Update also reviewed the previous noise abatement and land use measures from the previous update, as well as mitigation measures included in the FAA’s Record of Decision for the third parallel runway. Revising some of the existing measures and development of new measures, including a measure to offer sound insulation to eligible renter-occupied housing units that were previously ineligible for mitigation, provided a more equitable program going forward.